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Steven Shearer

Addressing nearly twenty-years of work to-date, in painting, drawing, printmaking, assemblage, and poetry, Canadian artist Steven Shearer touches on such diverse themes as ancient civilization, allegory, modernism, and popular music, along with the alienation of youth cultures. Although Shearer never paints directly from life, life - in all its complexity - is implicit in each canvas, seamlessly rendering an authentic twenty-first-century practice, while drawing on the traditions of classical and modern subjects. Shearer’s non-hierarchical exploration of the ways in which we see others and the world around us is a profound contributor to the dialogue of this century.

Texts by Dieter Roelstraete, curator, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society at the University of Chicago, along with Dr. Nicholas Cullinan, Director, National Portrait Gallery, Silvia Montiglio, Prof. Classics, John Hopkins University, Raf Simons, designer, Steven Shearer, artist, and Skarlet Smatana, Director, The George Economou Collection.

Publisher: The George Economou Collection
ISBN: 978-618-82591-5-7
Publication date: 2023

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